[REVIEW] When a Snail Falls in Love (2016)

... eep I just looked at my to-review list and I can barely remember some of those dramas because it's been so long since I've watched them. Shouldn't have left them for so long...

Ok this shall be another quick review! Seems like my last post was from two months ago so better update this blog once in a while >.> When a Snail Falls in Love ... the dear drama I started days before one of my assignments was due (and before I started the assignment oops).

WARNING: do not be fooled by the cute drama name, cute stills (like the one above), and the cute first trailer. It's overall a dark, crime-solving thriller drama probably better represented by a poster like the one below. I have to admit I got a bit scared in my room alone in Griffith when they were looking for the killer hahaha.

I think the female lead actress has really beautiful features ... and her physique is indeed very lean therefore matching her character very well. Her drama character that is - I haven't read the webtoon that this drama is based on. Awesome acting in both leads and supporting characters.

Plot wise, I thought their relationship development was a bit strange. Usually in dramas you can see the leads' fondness for each other go from 0 and gradually increase. Sure, I could see why the girl started liking the guy and that felt justified, but the guy didn't show any interest in the girl for most of the drama. Then suddenly in episode 16 or so when they go to Myanmar for their final mission, the guy suddenly shows heaps of affection for the girl? And it feels kinda uncalled for? Fans of the two are probably going FINALLY SOME ROMANTIC PROGRESS but it would've been nice if it was introduced a bit more gradually. Not to mention that bit in the final episode which I'll hide in a spoiler tag:

Okay I don't really know where I'm going with this review so maybe I should pin it down to a few points:
  • Has some cute moments but is overall a crime-solving thriller. Interesting plotline.
  • Relationship development can surprise you at times
  • Good acting in all cast members, female lead is cute and can surprisingly speak good English.
  • Really good action scenes (and stunts people) - you actually see people falling into/getting hit by things, rather than a lot of dramas where most of the action is the camera swivelling around and rapidly cutting scenes.
  • As a side note they have a lot of landscape transition scenes which some fans liked but I found a bit weird. I think they needed to incorporate them a bit more naturally.
  • A good and different drama, but not captivating enough for me to actively recommend.


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